데이터 스트럭쳐2 For this problem you must define a simple interface NumTrackerInterface and two implementations of the interface, For this problem you must define a simple interface NumTrackerInterface and two implementations of the interface, Tracker1 and Tracker2. a. Define a Java interface named NumTrackerInterface. A class that implements this interface must keep track of both the sum and the count of numbers that are submitted to it through its add method, and provide getters for the sum, the count, and the average of.. 2022. 3. 12. Create Java classes that implement the FigureInterface interface: Create Java classes that implement the FigureInterface interface: a. Square - constructor accepts a single argument of type double which indicates the length of a side of the square. b. RightTriangle - constructor accepts two arguments of type double that indicate the lengths of the two legs. c. IsoscelesTriangle - constructor accepts two arguments of type double that indicate the height and the.. 2022. 3. 12. 이전 1 다음