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백준: 23234번 The World Responds(Python3)

by 혼밥맨 2022. 7. 31.

백준: 23234번 The World Responds(Python3)

The World Responds 성공다국어

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In many introductory computer programming classes, the first program that students learn to write just prints “Hello, world!” It is used as a first assignment because it is a simple program that produces output. The program dates back to at least 1974, when Brian Kernighan used it as an example in a C programming tutorial. Its popularity has grown since then. Louisiana Tech University's ACM chapter has a Hello World project that has collected versions of this program in almost 200 different computer languages.

While “Hello, World!” is a nice and simple first program, it does have one drawback. The program says hello to the world, but the world does not respond! This one-sided conversation is starting to become awkward after more than 35 years. For this problem, write a program that returns greetings from the world to the program.


There is no input for this problem.


Print one line of output: The world says hello!

예제 입력 1

예제 출력 1

The world says hello!


print("The world says hello!")

