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백준: 17903번 Counting Clauses (Python3) 백준: 17903번 Counting Clauses (Python3) Counting Clauses 성공다국어 시간 제한메모리 제한제출정답맞힌 사람정답 비율 1 초 512 MB 745 528 468 72.222% 문제 It’s time for the annual 3-SAT competition, where the contestants compete to answer as many instances of 3-SAT as possible within the time limit. 3-SAT is a classic NP-complete problem, where you are given a boolean formula in conjunctive normal form, in which we have a set of.. 2022. 8. 7.
백준: 18198번 Basketball One-on-One (Python3) 백준: 18198번 Basketball One-on-One (Python3) Basketball One-on-One 성공다국어 시간 제한메모리 제한제출정답맞힌 사람정답 비율 1 초 (추가 시간 없음) 512 MB 362 217 184 57.862% 문제 Alice and Barbara played some friendly games of one-on-one basketball after work, and you agreed to help them keep score. The rules of the game were simple: Each successful shot by a player earns them either one or two points; The first player to eleven po.. 2022. 8. 7.
백준: 18330번 Petrol (Python3) 백준: 18330번 Petrol (Python3) Petrol 성공다국어 시간 제한메모리 제한제출정답맞힌 사람정답 비율 2 초 512 MB 905 642 596 72.155% 문제 The government of Neverland has recently announced a new petrol rationing plan with an unexpected price hike. According to the new plan, each person receives a quota of 60 liters per month in a fuel card. Each liter of petrol costs 1500 Oshloobs if it is within quota. Any extra fueling costs 3000.. 2022. 8. 7.
백준: 18408번 3 つの整数 (Three Integers) (Python3) 백준: 18408번 3 つの整数 (Three Integers) (Python3) 3 つの整数 (Three Integers) 성공다국어 시간 제한메모리 제한제출정답맞힌 사람정답 비율 2 초 512 MB 1181 975 884 83.239% 문제 3 つの整数 A, B, C が与えられる.A, B, C はそれぞれ 1 または 2 である.1 と 2 のうち,どちらが多くあるか. 입력 入力は以下の形式で標準入力から与えられる. A B C 출력 1 と 2 のうち,個数が多い方を出力せよ. 제한 A, B, C はそれぞれ 1 または 2 である. 예제 입력 1 1 2 1 예제 출력 1 1 1 が 2 個で 2 が 1 個なので,個数の多い 1 を出力する. 예제 입력 2 2 2 2 예제 출력 2 2 すべて 2 なので,2 を出力する. 답안 1.. 2022. 8. 7.
백준: 18409번 母音を数える (Counting Vowels) (Python3) 백준: 18409번 母音を数える (Counting Vowels) (Python3) 母音を数える (Counting Vowels) 성공다국어 시간 제한메모리 제한제출정답맞힌 사람정답 비율 2 초 512 MB 494 403 365 84.101% 문제 長さ N の英小文字からなる文字列 S が与えられる.S のうち母音字の個数,つまり a,i,u,e,o の個数の総和を求めよ. 입력 入力は以下の形式で標準入力から与えられる. N S 출력 S のうち母音字の個数,つまり a,i,u,e,o の個数の総和を出力せよ. 제한 1 ≦ N ≦ 50. S は長さ N の文字列である. S の各文字は英小文字である. 예제 입력 1 8 joiyosen 예제 출력 1 4 母音字は _oi_o_e_ の 4 個である. 예제 입력 2 6 bitaro 예제 출력 2.. 2022. 8. 7.
백준: 18411번 試験 (Exam) (Python3) 백준: 18411번 試験 (Exam) (Python3) 試験 (Exam) 성공다국어 시간 제한메모리 제한제출정답맞힌 사람정답 비율 2 초 512 MB 1078 898 830 84.350% 문제 JOI 君は情報の試験を 3 回受けた.試験の点数はすべて 0 以上 100 以下の整数である. JOI 君の成績は 3 回の試験の点数のうち高い方から 2 つを足し合わせた合計によって決まる. 3 回の試験の点数 A, B, C が与えられたとき,3 回の試験の点数のうち高い方から 2 つを足し合わせた合計を出力するプログラムを作成せよ. 입력 入力は以下の形式で標準入力から与えられる. A B C 출력 3 回の試験の点数のうち高い方から 2 つを足し合わせた合計を 1 行で出力せよ. 제한 0 ≦ A ≦ 100. 0 ≦ B ≦ 100. 0 ≦ C ≦ 100. .. 2022. 8. 7.
백준: 18414번 X に最も近い値 (The Nearest Value) (Python3) 백준: 18414번 X に最も近い値 (The Nearest Value) (Python3) X に最も近い値 (The Nearest Value) 성공다국어 시간 제한메모리 제한제출정답맞힌 사람정답 비율 2 초 512 MB 1136 831 774 73.365% 문제 整数 X, L, R が与えられる. L 以上 R 以下の整数のうち,X との差の絶対値が最も小さいものを出力せよ.そのような整数はちょうど 1 つだけ存在することが証明できる. 입력 入力は以下の形式で標準入力から与えられる. X L R 출력 L 以上 R 以下の整数のうち,X との差の絶対値が最も小さいものを出力せよ. 제한 1 ≦ X ≦ 100 000. 1 ≦ L ≦ R ≦ 100 000. 예제 입력 1 8 3 6 예제 출력 1 6 3, 4, 5, 6 のうち,8 との差の絶対.. 2022. 8. 7.
백준: 18698번 The Walking Adam (Python3) 백준: 18698번 The Walking Adam (Python3) The Walking Adam 성공다국어 시간 제한메모리 제한제출정답맞힌 사람정답 비율 2 초 512 MB 163 108 89 66.418% 문제 Adam has just started learning how to walk (with some help from his brother Omar), and he falls down a lot. In order to balance himself, he raises his hands up in the air (that’s a true story), and once he puts his hands down, he falls. You are given a string, each character re.. 2022. 8. 7.
백준: 19602번 Dog Treats (Python3) 백준: 19602번 Dog Treats (Python3) Dog Treats 성공다국어 시간 제한메모리 제한제출정답맞힌 사람정답 비율 2 초 512 MB 1214 1033 974 85.289% 문제 Barley the dog loves treats. At the end of the day he is either happy or sad depending on the number and size of treats he receives throughout the day. The treats come in three sizes: small, medium, and large. His happiness score can be measured using the following formula: 1 × S + 2 × .. 2022. 8. 7.
