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Computer science10

Useful links on Georgia Institute of Technology information Useful links on Georgia Institute of Technology information 1. OSCAR (https://oscar.gatech.edu) - Register Class - Pay tuition - Check for holds - Final grade 보통 학교 포탈과 같은 사이트로, 수강 신청이나 학적에 관한 내용들을 확인하는 사이트. 발음은 그 오스카와 동일한 오스카로 읽는 것 같다. 2. Canvas (https://canvas.gatech.edu) - 연세대학교로 치면 YSCEC 같은 사이트로, 수업 공지나 숙제 등을 공유하는 사이트이다. 캔버스 자체는 범용 서비스로, 조지아텍에서도 이용하는 것 같다. - 학생들 간 소통이나 질문은 Canvas와 별개로 Piazza.. 2021. 12. 19.
IT Auditor가 하는 일 IT Auditor가 하는 일 IT Auditor란 - IT Auditor는 기업의 기술 인프라를 분석 및 평가하여 프로세스와 시스템이 정확하고 효율적으로 실행되는 동시에 보안을 유지하고 규정 준수 규정을 준수하도록 해야 합니다. 또한 IT Auditor는 감사 대상 IT 문제, 특히 보안 및 리스크 관리와 관련된 문제를 파악합니다. 문제가 발견되면 IT Auditor은 조직의 다른 사람에게 결과를 전달하고 보안 및 규정 준수를 보장하기 위해 프로세스와 시스템을 개선 또는 변경할 수 있는 솔루션을 제공할 책임이 있습니다. - IT Auditor은 조직의 IT 시스템 및 인프라가 최대한 원활하고 효율적으로 운영되도록 하는 업무를 맡고 있습니다. - IT 감사는 내부 통제 및 프로세스를 평가해 기업과 기업의.. 2021. 11. 7.
2.6 – Generalization Inheritance is used to describe the relationship between classes. What are the three ways in which this relationship is advantageous? - Subclasses that inherit from the same superclass include attributes and behaviors from the superclass. - Changes can be made easily and quickly to a large group of subclasses by making changes to the superclass they inherit from. - Code can be reused through inh.. 2021. 9. 18.
2.5 – Decomposition 2.5 – Decomposition 2021. 9. 18.
2.4 – Encapsulation 2.4 – Encapsulation Besides attributes, a class also defines behaviors through methods. For an object of the class, the methods manipulate the attribute values or data in the object to achieve the actual behaviors. You can expose certain methods to be accessible to objects of other classes, thus, providing an interface to use the class. Encapsulation helps with software changes. The accessible i.. 2021. 9. 18.
2.3 – Abstraction 2.3 – Abstraction When you design object-oriented programs, you create models of how objects are represented in your system. These models cannot be designed without forethought. In order for a system to be object-oriented, it should adhere to certain design principles. Abstraction Rule of Least Astonishment Attributes of a Student 2021. 9. 18.
2.1 – Models: Bridging Concepts and Solutions 2.1 – Models: Bridging Concepts and Solutions You need conceptual design to break down the problem further and further into manageable pieces. You also need technical design to describe and refine the solution, so that it is clear enough for developers to implement as working software. The goal during software design is to construct and refine models of all the objects. 2021. 9. 18.
1.6 – Record, Organize, and Refine Components 1.6 – Record, Organize, and Refine Components Collaborators: Collaborators are other classes that the class interacts with to fulfill its responsibilities. Bank Customer Bank Machine How does a Bank Machine authenticate the bank customer? 2021. 9. 18.
1.5 – Competing Qualities and Trade-offs 1.5 – Competing Qualities and Trade-offs Satisfying Requirements - Some software design decisions will involve tradeoffs in different quality attributes, such as performance, convenience, and security. A door with a single lock : Easy to open, but not secure. A door with multiple locks : Inconvenient to open, but secure. When designing software, it is important to consider how qualities can comp.. 2021. 9. 17.
