Professional Software Development and ethics
1. What is software?
- Computer programs and associated documentation. Software products may be developed for a particular customer or may be developed for a general market.
2. What are the attributes of good software?
- Good software should deliver the functionality and performance that the software users need and should be maintainable, dependable and usable.
3. What is software engineering?
- Software engineering is an engineering discipline that is concerned with all aspects of software production. 'Engineering' means that systematic and managed approaches are used for software development.
4. What are the fundamental software engineering activities?
- Software specification, software development, software validation and software evolution.
5. What is the difference between software engineering and computer science?
- Computer science focuses on theory and fundamentals; software engineering is concerned with the practicalities of developing and delivering useful software.
6. What is the difference between software engineering and system engineering?
- System engineering is concerned with all aspects of computer-based systems development including hardware, software and process engineering. Software engineering is part of this more general process.
7. What are the key challenges facing software engineering?
- Coping with increasing diversity, demands for reduced delivery times and developing trustworthy software.
8. What are the costs of software engineering?
- Roughly 60% of software costs are development costs, 40% are testing costs. For custom software, evolution costs often exceed development costs.
9. What are the best software engineering techniques and methods?
- While all software projects have to be professionally managed and developed, different techniques are appropriate for different types of system. For example, games should always be developed using a series of prototypes whereas safety critical control systems require a complete and analyzable specification. You can't, therefore, say that one method is better than other.
10. What difference has the web made to software engineering?
- The web has led to the availability of software services and the possibility of developing highly distributed service-based systems. Web-based systems development has led to important advances in programming languages and software reuse.
[Software products]
Generic products
target : any customer
example : GitHub, KakaoTalk, Chrome, and etc ..
- a developer defines and orders what a software should do.
Customized products
target : specific customer
example : air traffic control software, highway traffic monitoring systems, and etc ..
- a customer defines and orders what a software should do.
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