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Can New Technologies Help Students?

by 혼밥맨 2021. 3. 10.

Can New Technologies Help Students?


There is no shortage of opinion on students are living in a new technology era. I strongly agree with the statement that new technologies help students. The following paragraphs will explain my two major reasons for this opinion.


First of all, students can acquire useful knowledge without the constraints of time and space. New technologies can serve as a virtual tutor facilitating student learning at any time as students can access web sites, online tutorials, and more resources to assist them at any time. Unlike a schoolteacher, Google answers all the questions immediately no matter where you are and when you ask. In the noisy subway, students can listen to lectures quietly with earbuds. Also, even in extreme situations, students are able to study with new technologies. For example, on quarantine, there is a huge barrier to giving lessons to students due to social distancing and school lockdowns. However, video communication tools like Zoom allows students to take lessons and communicate with teachers.


Second of all, students can be globalized. Globalization requires various experiences with various people and new technologies help students to be globalized. People all over the world share their opinions and ideas through the Internet and social media. In the modern world, communication on a global scale is the key to being successful.   


In conclusion, I strongly believe that new scientific knowledge aid students a lot. This is because students are able to obtain knowledge without physical barriers, and students can be globalized.


