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공부/Object-Oriented Design

3.2 – Separation of Concerns

by 혼밥맨 2021. 9. 21.

3.2 – Separation of Concerns






Our goal is to create flexible reusable, and maintainable code. 


Separation of concerns creates more cohesive classes using abstraction, encapsulation, decomposition, and generalization. 


This creates a system that is easier to maintain because each class is organized so that it only contains the code that it needs to do its job. Modularity is increased in turn, which allows developers to reuse and build up individual classes without affecting others.


In our smartphone example, it is clear where the boundaries of each class are. However, real-world problems may not be so obvious. Deciding how to abstract, encapsulate, decompose and generalize to address the many concerns for a given problem is at the core of designing modular software. 


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