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독일어 기초 #02

by 혼밥맨 2021. 1. 16.

독일어 기초 #02



Lernst du? - Are you learning?

Lernt ihr? - Are you guys studying?

Lernt ihr heute? - Are you guys studying today?

Lernt Maria für die Prüfung? - Is Maria studying for the exam?



Machst du Kaffee? - Are you making coffee?

Machen Sie Kaffee? - 

Macht Frank Überstunden? - Is Frank doing overtime?

Machst du die Hausaufgaben? (하우자우프가븐=homework) - Are you doing the homework? (informal)

Machen Karl und Susanne eine Pause? - Are Karl and Susanne taking a break?



Geht er nach Hause? - Is he going home?

Gehst du ins Bett? - Are you going to bed?

Geht sie zur Apotheke? - Is she going to the pharmacy?

Geht das Kind ins Haus? - Is the child going into the house?

Geht das Kind nach draußen? - Is the child going outside?



'공부 > 독일어' 카테고리의 다른 글

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